Ambro-Sol’s commitment to the dissemination of corporate values and culture to optimize social communications and relationships with stakeholders continues. The Italian aerosol factory has chosen to adopt the Organizational Model 231 aimed at implementing maximum transparency with respect to roles and responsibilities in business management.

The model of preventive management and control, not mandatory, allows you to reduce the risk of companies being called to account for one of the crimes accused to individual employees, pursuant to d.lgs. n. 231/2001. 231/2001It therefore allows the companies that subscribe to it to legitimately request the exclusion or limitation of their liability arising from one of the offences mentioned in the standard.

Each Model 231 is drawn up according to the characteristics of the company, the activities carried out, the production processes and the specific interlocutors. Its effective implementation starts from the mapping of areas at risk of crime and the evaluation of the internal control system up to the drafting of the model, including comparative analysis and improvement plans, which will then be subject to training.

Its adoption allows to gain more strength in the legality rating for access to public funding and bank credit with more opportunities to work with publicly owned companies. Also facilitated compliance with regulations related to the d.lgs. 231 such as health and safety at work and environmental safety.

See document: click here (updated June 2023)

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